Today started off as a rather lousy one. I woke up ridiculously early, being too stupid to remember that turning your alarm off when you can sleep in is a good thing, and yet was still running in to work to make it on time. Once there, people called out and we were left running around like chickens with our heads cut off, and I was forced to open a store that I don't usually work in to then be pushed around and around throughout the area until I came down with a terrible migraine. I thought the day would never end!
Then I came home and thought- yes, finally a relief from the madness of the tourism industry! I began my relentless internet searching, mainly to kill time and because, let's face it, stuck at my mother's house I have nothing better to do, and stumbled upon this little jem. Instantly my whole day was changed to one of excitement and hope from the dismal wretch it had been; the UK is making Jane Austen money!
Jane Austen £10 note announced
Yes, this great little country, home of the Royal Baby, Monty Python, and Dr. Who is recognizing the genius of this great woman. The note itself is pretty cool, and of course includes a quote from the great "Pride and Prejudice"! I am incredibly excited for the release of this note, which is due to be circulating around 2017 and intend to find one as fast as they come out!
What do you think about this great milestone? Is Jane Austen deserving to become the new face of the £10 note?